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Fertile Ground

rituals with the wild for woman tending their lifes work


ries new moon to Aries new moon (there are 2!)
In-person with the Wild elements

North End of Salt Spring Island, BC, "Canada"
on Unceded Coast Salish SENĆOŦEN and HUL’Q’UMI’NUM’ speaking Peoples Territory


 Your Lifes work can be explored through

the creative offerings you share,

the healing sessions you offer,

the medicines you brew.

It also can reveal itself in the connections and opportunities you create for yourself and others.

Most importantly our Lifes work DOES NOT need to be validated

through creating income.


It is something that you will show up for AGAIN and AGAIN .... and AGAIN because you are deeply passionate and restored by the meaning it brings into your life.


It is your relationship with this life-force that Fertile Ground is here to clarify, commune with and renew your vows with. 


Equally you are being asked to become clear with what is needed to feel

safe + grounded + well-resourced

enough to carry through with the requests of your lifes work.

Thats where we begin...

Your lifes work can be explored through...


By fire & Air

☾ Aries New Moon- Spring Equinox

🙞 Wednesday, March 23

🙞 1:00 - 3:00 p.m



By water

☾ Libra Full Moon

🙞 Wednesday, April 5th

🙞 1:00 - 3:00 p.m


Wild Mushrooms

By earth

☾ Aries New Moon- yes another one!

🙞 Wednesday, April 19th

🙞 1:00 - 3:00 p.m


lets get this straight..

This is NOT a business program.


This is a 28-day lunar cycle journey with ...


 You  + Me + The will of your sacred  life's work 


Along with other wild-hearted women stewarding meaningful offerings into their communities and client\s lives.


We won't be in a  candle-lit temple with burgundy velvet pillows ... this time... 

Because Fertile Ground requests us to return to the original elements in their wild form to commune with the foundation of our work.


Yes you could get rained on, you may smell like camp fire when you return home and your pockets may be filled with wild medicinals.

Now that that is clear~

I believe that any successful ritual

carries one or more of these qualities:


Buried in DIRT

Cleansed by SEA

Transformed through FLAME

Momentum from WIND


This 28-day journey integrates ritual tools from 17 years of participating, crafting, and priestessing rituals in North America.  I’ve decided its time to offer my Salty community of women a 3-part ritual series inviting this elemental formula in relation to your business! 

As a coach Shereen Sun of mine shared.

"Self-care must be part of the business plan"

 and in this case, having space for magical authority in your life's work.

"Ritual support must be part of the business plan"

The spiral journey of your life's work

You m’dear are carrying something potent, pulsing with life and seeking to be birthed again and again from your womb and into the world.  I call this your Lifes Work or your Soul's Agenda. It will take different shapes and sometimes be relentless of its ask of you. Haunting your thoughts with the planning its next incarnation. Sometimes it can be a hushed whisper between the cracks of life, almost too faint to make out, asking you draw near and listen deeper.


My Life's Work has been quite the shapeshifter.


Sewing custom garments and hats for Empaths



navigating my clients deep subconscious with Deep Soul Journeys



Channeling a group of Spirit Mentors (The Invisibles) for folks in more than 7 countries.


Offering monthly New Womb community manifestation and ritual crafting gatherings….



Tending to the Bees Nest FB promotion hub for femme-run offerings, skill shares, events on Salt Spring Island. The list really goes on.



The core energetics remain the same,  and you as the gatekeeper are responsible to remaining congruent with your Souls Agenda.

For me there must be space for Spirit in everything I do.

A wee bit about your guide
Saera Burns

 Witch. Seer. Teacher of Ritual Arts

This playful Priestess has  been curating dynamic ritualistic spaces and clairvoyant council for 17 years.  Saera is passionate about supporting others rise from the ashes of the "Witch wound" so they can embody and share their integrated magic with themselves, clients, and greater community


Choose Your Package

  • Study Hive membership

    Every month
    Ritualist Path Online 6-moon training & mentorship
    Valid for 6 months+ 3 day free trial
    • ✔︎Calendar Magic-Divining 2024 webinar Dec.
    • ✔︎ x4 "Local Hive" community ritual templates
    • ✔︎Spiral Round witchual guide e-book
    • ✔︎Ritual As Remedy Interview series
    • ✔︎video archive
    • ✔︎homework each month
    • ✔︎6 months of seasonal and magical study

Retreat Exchange

Meet Saera(She/her/They)

Ritualist* Seer * Witch

Ambassadress of the Unseen  

 Teacher of Mystic Arts

Saera Burns is an Ritualist, Seer and Founder of Lighthouse Academy. This playful priestess has been exploring her fascination with the Great Mystery since a child, through Spirit Guide connection, plant communication, and participating in diverse ceremonies.

 Currently, a settler living with her husband and two daughters tending Orchestra farm. on the unceded territory of the Hul’qumi’num and SENĆOŦEN speaking peoples / Salt Spring Island.

   Saera's ancestral line of core magic is rooted in Ireland and earth-based Witch practices.  With the support of her Spirit Mentors - The Invisibles- has been a playful present guide in a wide range of rituals including

✔︎ Mother & new family blessings

✔︎ Plant medicine journeys

✔︎ Womyns New Moon circles

✔︎ Honouring miscarriages

✔︎ Conscious conception & releasing

✔︎ Mother blessings

✔︎ De-coupling

✔︎ Community Sabbath celebrations

✔︎ Mother blessings

✔︎ Group manifestation

..... and more

Saera bio
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