Saera Burns.
Can you relate to any of the following...
Having mysterious chronic ailments?
Go through un-explained bouts of depression, anger, or extreme fatigue?
Experienced a traumatic event and never felt "fully here" since?
Feeling like there is a blind spot in yourself you need help seeing.
Find yourself in sabotaging patterns that feel out of your control?
Know that the resolution you seek will require a spiritual approach?
Concerned you have an entity?
Saera has helped you in the dream world recently? (yes this is common)
If yes...
a Deep Soul Journey may be for you
You receive
MP3 recording
Personal Affirmations
Personal Sigal (symbol of power)
Dietary/ herbal suggestions
Personal Colour
OptionalBONUS follow-up call
2 hours + (optional BONUS) 30min follow-up
= $260 regular rate
$130 (1/2 price) 2nd Wednesday of the Month
1/2 priced is reserved for
BIPOC community + single mama's + low-income folks
please acess honestly to honour limited availability.
"The deep web of your psyche"
Client Checklist
What should I be doing at the time of our session?Your permission is all I really need to do the work. Its up to you the level of presence you wish to offer (I've had busy mama's chasing toddlers during sessions) in a spacious ideal world you could take the time to create a loving space to be with yourself. If at home perhaps a bath or light a candle and follow your instincts. Whether you feel like resting or getting creative all things go!
I'm a little confused do you call me? Or will you?I won't be calling you after the session, the duration scheduled is the window I will be journeying and recording the session from all the notes I wrote during the trance journey. I will also create a document with all the extra suggestions. You will get an email later in the day (likely evening your time) with that. Only after you listen to the journey can a follow-up call be scheduled (if you wish- its an optional bonus) I ask that happen within a 3-week window. Sessions have a way of unravelling over time... sometimes clients come to me years later astonished at pieces that finally clicked when they were ready to see it.
Deep Soul Journey Session process
I collect plants, herbs, and flowers intuitively (with elemental guidance) for my client from the land placing them in a vessel with water on the altar
Saltwater is placed under the altar to draw out unwanted energies
My treatment temple is energetically cleared using smoke & sound
Theta meditation is done to assist grounding and a clear connection to source energy and perspective.
A candle is lit in the center of a welcoming my client's presence
A deep trance state occurs
Opening prayer and intention for the journey ahead
Opening encounter initiates contact between me and my client in an astral environment eg. cave, doorway, island, standing in a river etc. which is metaphoric to what is current for them.
Find, greet, and inquire with client to uncover where the "point of challenge" is hiding, and the work begins!
I navigate, investigate, interact, question, seek perspectives in this world. Using intuition & information I request from my client's astral self, and spirit from guides/totems. It is much like lucid dreaming in one's psyche where I as the dreamer can access any information and help I need using intuition and direct questions. Beliefs or entities which are causing disturbance, stagnation, or sabotage are surfaced, cleared.
Counter affirmations will reveal themselves to assist with reprogramming (available in notes)
A power symbol or sigal will appear as a gift (available in notes)
Homework will be given at some point during the session or after (available in notes)
Dietary, stone, essential oil & colour suggestions are brought to my awareness at the closing meditation
MP3 Recording is created with a detailed account of the journey from the notes taken during the session. This provides an incredibly accurate account that truly allows the listener to have a complete guided journey.
Finishing & closing I return to where the session began and say farewell
Clearing my own energetic connection to my client allowing us both to be in our own sovereign fields again.
The saltwater is offered to a dedicated place by a tree that has agreed to direct the energies to be transformed in the earth... like compost!
Client can schedule a BONUS 30 min integration follow-up within 3 weeks of receiving the session
Mira Shanti
"This was a most visual, profound, and poignant experience for me.
A month now after Saera entered my psyche and journeyed with me, the imagery and text she provided continues to inspire self reflection and growth. The story that [I] told her, and Saera's style of drawing in symbolism, archetypes, mysticism, folklore, universal wisdom etc left an impression so intricate...that my understanding and benefit continues to show new layers. Saera's presence in my world was so welcome. She is gentle, supportive, curious, and courageous. If you are looking for answers to your questions - go no further than your own psyche, if you would like assistance accessing this honest, limitless, resource within you, Saera Burns is a guide who I highly recommend."
Stara Being
"Our family has done multiple journey's with Saera. Individual journey's, a coming of age for our daughters birthday and most recently a couples journey. We keep coming to Saera because her information is insightful, at the depth that we experience life and transformational. We will continue to use Saera as a guide and we look forward to learning from her how go into these depths of our soul ourselves. Her journey's bring clarity and the work she does while in these realms is felt immediately. We love Saera and her offerings. We are super grateful for her presence in our lives."
Mandy Layden
"I can't thank Saera enough for the healing and guidance her journey with my soul has brought me. For 15 years I was lost, trying so hard to do anything I could to completely find myself again and heal my soul. The session with Saera did exactly that, and I feel like a whole person again. Fate allowed me to stumble across her amazing gift, and I'm sure glad I did. I am amazed by the conversation we had explaining her journey with my soul. I would recommend a session with Saera to anyone who feels like they need to reconnect with themselves. She is truly a beautiful soul with an amazing gift! Thank you so much, Saera, for sharing what you do to help everyone!! Words cannot express what you have done for me or how grateful I am to have connected with you. :) Much love xoxoxoxo"
Phoenix Amara
"Working with Saera Burns reawakened a stirring in my soul to embrace the suppressed powers I've always known existed. In the few sessions we had together, I was able to reconnect with my intuition with more trust and surrender.
Now months later, I have opened a gateway to greater communication with the spirit world, can manifest easier, have received more prosperity imaginable, and am feeling a rejuvenation of my feminine essence. I attribute much of these shifts to working with Saera - and her amazing gifts for calling in the Sacred Feminine.
Thank you Saera for helping open me up to even more magic, abundance and possibility! Her sessions come highly recommended for anyone seeking more shifts, abundance and magic"